Our client, a grocery retailer, sent out mailers in a marketing campaign for their new delivery club. This costs customers 100 dollars per year for membership, and offered free grocery deliveries, rather than the normal cost of $10 per delivery.
For this, they sent mailers to their entire customer base (apart from a control group) but this proved expensive. For the next batch of communications they would like to save costs by only mailing customers that were likely to sign up.
Based upon the results of the last campaign and the customer data available, we will look to understand the probability of customers signing up for the delivery club. This would allow the client to mail a more targeted selection of customers, lowering costs, and improving ROI.
Let's use Machine Learning to take on this task!
We firstly needed to compile the necessary data from tables in the database, gathering key customer metrics that may help predict delivery club membership.
Within our historical dataset from the last campaign, we found that 69% of customers did not sign up and 31% did. This tells us that while the data isn't perfectly balanced at 50:50, it isn't too imbalanced either. Even so, we make sure to not rely on classification accuracy alone when assessing results - also analysing Precision, Recall, and F1-Score.
As we are predicting a binary output, we tested four classification modelling approaches, namely:
For each model, we will import the data in the same way but will need to pre-process the data based up the requirements of each particular algorithm. We will train & test each model, look to refine each to provide optimal performance, and then measure this predictive performance based on several metrics to give a well-rounded overview of which is best.
This notebook goes through all the steps necessary to building a predictive model that would help the company - from data import, preprocessing to model validation.
While predictive accuracy was relatively high - other modelling approaches could be tested to see if even more accuracy could be gained. But a word of caution here, we have to know when to when to call a model 'good enough' and that is usually decided prior to building the model.
From a data point of view, further variables could be collected, and further feature engineering could be undertaken to ensure that we have as much useful information available for predicting customer loyalty.
We will be predicting the binary signup_flag metric from the campaign_data table in the client database.
The key variables hypothesised to predict this will come from the client database, namely the transactions table, the customer_details table, and the product_areas table.
We aggregated up customer data from the 3 months prior to the last campaign.
After this data pre-processing in Python, we have a dataset for modelling that contains the following fields...
Variable Name | Variable Type | Description |
signup_flag | Dependent | A binary variable showing if the customer signed up for the delivery club in the last campaign |
distance_from_store | Independent | The distance in miles from the customers home address, and the store |
gender | Independent | The gender provided by the customer |
credit_score | Independent | The customers most recent credit score |
total_sales | Independent | Total spend by the customer in ABC Grocery - 3 months pre campaign |
total_items | Independent | Total products purchased by the customer in ABC Grocery - 3 months pre campaign |
transaction_count | Independent | Total unique transactions made by the customer in ABC Grocery - 3 months pre campaign |
product_area_count | Independent | The number of product areas within ABC Grocery the customers has shopped into - 3 months pre campaign |
average_basket_value | Independent | The average spend per transaction for the customer in ABC Grocery - 3 months pre campaign |
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, plot_tree
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score, KFold
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, LabelBinarizer, StandardScaler,MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV
from sklearn_pandas import DataFrameMapper
#import pre-cleaned modelling data
data = pickle.load(open("C:/Users/Ibiene/OneDrive/DataScience_MachineLearning/Data Science Infinity/Machine Learning/Model Building/data/abc_classification_modelling.p", "rb"))
customer_id | signup_flag | distance_from_store | gender | credit_score | total_sales | total_items | transaction_count | product_area_count | average_basket_value | |
0 | 74 | 1 | 3.38 | F | 0.59 | 1586.89 | 195 | 26 | 5 | 61.034231 |
1 | 524 | 1 | 4.76 | F | 0.52 | 2397.26 | 258 | 27 | 5 | 88.787407 |
2 | 607 | 1 | 4.45 | F | 0.49 | 1279.91 | 183 | 22 | 5 | 58.177727 |
3 | 343 | 0 | 0.91 | M | 0.54 | 967.14 | 102 | 17 | 5 | 56.890588 |
4 | 322 | 1 | 3.02 | F | 0.63 | 1566.35 | 182 | 30 | 5 | 52.211667 |
# note x and y values. y is the signup flag.
(860, 10)
#check for missing values
customer_id 0 signup_flag 0 distance_from_store 5 gender 5 credit_score 8 total_sales 0 total_items 0 transaction_count 0 product_area_count 0 average_basket_value 0 dtype: int64
#check for percentage of missing values
customer_id 0.000000 signup_flag 0.000000 distance_from_store 0.581395 gender 0.581395 credit_score 0.930233 total_sales 0.000000 total_items 0.000000 transaction_count 0.000000 product_area_count 0.000000 average_basket_value 0.000000 dtype: float64
Less than 1% of missing values in 3 columns, so no need for imputation by mean or most common value. Simply removing the missing values would not affect the integrity of the data
#drop nulls
data = data.dropna()
#drop unnecessary cols
data.drop("customer_id", axis = 1, inplace= True)
#shuffle data
data= shuffle(data, random_state = 23)
#since this is a classification task, check for class balance
data.signup_flag.value_counts(normalize = True)
0 0.695396 1 0.304604 Name: signup_flag, dtype: float64
0 589 1 258 Name: signup_flag, dtype: int64
70/30 split - not terribly unbalanced, but would be thorough to use precision, recall and f1-score in addition to accuracy to assess model results
signup_flag | distance_from_store | credit_score | total_sales | total_items | transaction_count | product_area_count | average_basket_value | |
count | 847.000000 | 847.000000 | 847.000000 | 847.000000 | 847.000000 | 847.000000 | 847.000000 | 847.000000 |
mean | 0.304604 | 2.614545 | 0.597521 | 968.166411 | 143.877214 | 22.214876 | 4.177096 | 38.034161 |
std | 0.460512 | 14.397590 | 0.102264 | 1073.647531 | 125.342694 | 11.721699 | 0.920887 | 24.243691 |
min | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.260000 | 2.090000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 2.090000 |
25% | 0.000000 | 0.730000 | 0.530000 | 383.940000 | 77.000000 | 16.000000 | 4.000000 | 21.734700 |
50% | 0.000000 | 1.640000 | 0.590000 | 691.640000 | 123.000000 | 23.000000 | 4.000000 | 31.069333 |
75% | 1.000000 | 2.920000 | 0.670000 | 1121.530000 | 170.500000 | 28.000000 | 5.000000 | 46.429973 |
max | 1.000000 | 400.970000 | 0.880000 | 7372.060000 | 910.000000 | 75.000000 | 5.000000 | 141.054091 |
data.plot(kind= 'box', subplots= True, layout = (3, 3), sharex= False, sharey= False, figsize =(16, 10) )
From the box plots above, outliers seem to exist on some columns like:
data.hist(figsize =(16, 10))
fig = px.histogram(data, x = "distance_from_store", nbins = 30)
Zooming in on the "Distance from store" metric using plotly express (using its interactive feature), we not that most of the data lies in the 0-9 bin, with some very obvious outliers
Index(['signup_flag', 'distance_from_store', 'gender', 'credit_score', 'total_sales', 'total_items', 'transaction_count', 'product_area_count', 'average_basket_value'], dtype='object')
#using 5 columns
outlier_investigation = data.describe()
outlier_columns = ['distance_from_store', 'total_sales', 'total_items', 'transaction_count','average_basket_value']
for column in outlier_columns:
lower_quartile = data[column].quantile(0.25)
upper_quartile = data[column].quantile(0.75)
iqr = upper_quartile - lower_quartile
iqr_extended = iqr * 2
min_border = lower_quartile - iqr_extended
max_border = upper_quartile + iqr_extended
outliers = data[(data[column] < min_border)|(data[column] > max_border)].index
print(f"{len(outliers)} outliers detected in column {column}")
8 outliers detected in column distance_from_store 54 outliers detected in column total_sales 41 outliers detected in column total_items 19 outliers detected in column transaction_count 34 outliers detected in column average_basket_value
data1 = data.drop(outliers)
(813, 9)
X = data1.drop("signup_flag", axis = 1)
y = data1.signup_flag
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 23, stratify = y)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 813 entries, 155 to 604 Data columns (total 8 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 distance_from_store 813 non-null float64 1 gender 813 non-null object 2 credit_score 813 non-null float64 3 total_sales 813 non-null float64 4 total_items 813 non-null int64 5 transaction_count 813 non-null int64 6 product_area_count 813 non-null int64 7 average_basket_value 813 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(4), int64(3), object(1) memory usage: 57.2+ KB
Index(['distance_from_store', 'gender', 'credit_score', 'total_sales', 'total_items', 'transaction_count', 'product_area_count', 'average_basket_value'], dtype='object')
mapper = DataFrameMapper([
(['distance_from_store'], StandardScaler()),
('gender', LabelBinarizer()),
(['credit_score'], StandardScaler()),
(['total_items'], StandardScaler()),
(['average_basket_value'], StandardScaler())], df_out = True)
DataFrameMapper(df_out=True, drop_cols=[], features=[(['distance_from_store'], StandardScaler()), ('gender', LabelBinarizer()), (['credit_score'], StandardScaler()), (['total_sales'], StandardScaler()), (['total_items'], StandardScaler()), (['transaction_count'], StandardScaler()), (['product_area_count'], StandardScaler()), (['average_basket_value'], StandardScaler())])
Z_train = mapper.transform(X_train)
Z_test = mapper.transform(X_test)
distance_from_store | gender | credit_score | total_sales | total_items | transaction_count | product_area_count | average_basket_value | |
47 | 0.189698 | 0 | 0.496855 | 0.220389 | -0.162012 | 0.153916 | 0.940073 | 0.388604 |
749 | 0.051140 | 1 | -1.368807 | -1.120527 | -1.443076 | -1.906945 | -3.303311 | -1.296058 |
234 | -0.394844 | 1 | -1.172422 | -0.100886 | -0.490781 | 0.153916 | 0.940073 | -0.137283 |
clf = LogisticRegression(random_state = 43, max_iter = 1000)
feature_selector = RFECV(clf)
fit = feature_selector.fit(Z_train, y_train)
optimal_feature_count = feature_selector.n_features_
print(f"Optimal no of features is {optimal_feature_count}")
Optimal no of features is 5
array([ True, True, False, False, False, True, True, True])
#limit train and test data to only include selected variables
Z_train = Z_train.loc[:, feature_selector.get_support()]
Z_test = Z_test.loc[:, feature_selector.get_support()]
plt.plot(range(1, len(fit.cv_results_['mean_test_score']) + 1), fit.cv_results_['mean_test_score'], marker = "o")
plt.ylabel("Classification Accuracy")
plt.xlabel("Number of Features")
plt.title(f"Feature Selection using RFECV \n Optimal number of features is {optimal_feature_count} (at score of {round(max(fit.cv_results_['mean_test_score']),4)})")
clf = LogisticRegression(random_state = 42, max_iter = 1000)
clf.fit(Z_train, y_train)
LogisticRegression(max_iter=1000, random_state=42)
y_pred_class= clf.predict(Z_test)
y_pred_prob = clf.predict_proba(Z_test)[:, 1]
accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred_class)
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred_class)
array([[112, 6], [ 11, 34]], dtype=int64)
plt.matshow(conf_matrix, cmap = "coolwarm")
plt.title("Confusion Matrix")
plt.ylabel("Actual Class")
plt.xlabel("Predicted Class")
for (i, j), corr_value in np.ndenumerate(conf_matrix):
plt.text(j, i, corr_value, ha = "center", va = "center", fontsize = 20)
# classification accuracy
accuracy_lr = round(accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred_class)*100, 2)
print(f"Accuracy score is {accuracy_lr}, meaning the model coorectly predicts {accuracy_lr}% of the test set observations")
# precision
precision_lr = round(precision_score(y_test, y_pred_class)*100, 2)
print(f"Precision score is {precision_lr}, meaning for our predicted delivery club signups, the model was correct {precision_lr}% of the time")
# recall
recall_lr = round(recall_score(y_test, y_pred_class)*100, 2)
print(f"Recall score is {recall_lr}, meaning of allactual delivery club signups, the model correctly predicts {recall_lr}% of the time")
# f1-score
f1_lr = round(f1_score(y_test, y_pred_class), 2)
print(f"F1 score is {f1_lr}")
Accuracy score is 89.57, meaning the model coorectly predicts 89.57% of the test set observations Precision score is 85.0, meaning for our predicted delivery club signups, the model was correct 85.0% of the time Recall score is 75.56, meaning of allactual delivery club signups, the model correctly predicts 75.56% of the time F1 score is 0.8
#finding the optimal classification threshold
# set up the list of thresholds to loop through
thresholds = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
# create empty lists to append the results to
precision_scores = []
recall_scores = []
f1_scores = []
# loop through each threshold - fit the model - append the results
for threshold in thresholds:
pred_class = (y_pred_prob >= threshold) * 1
precision = precision_score(y_test, pred_class, zero_division = 0)
recall = recall_score(y_test, pred_class)
f1 = f1_score(y_test, pred_class)
# extract the optimal f1-score (and it's index)
max_f1 = max(f1_scores)
max_f1_idx = f1_scores.index(max_f1)
# plot the results
plt.plot(thresholds, precision_scores, label = "Precision", linestyle = "--")
plt.plot(thresholds, recall_scores, label = "Recall", linestyle = "--")
plt.plot(thresholds, f1_scores, label = "F1", linewidth = 5)
plt.title(f"Finding the Optimal Threshold for Classification Model \n Max F1: {round(max_f1,2)} (Threshold = {round(thresholds[max_f1_idx],2)})")
plt.ylabel("Assessment Score")
plt.legend(loc = "lower left")
For tree based algorithms, there is no need to scale the numerical variables.
mapper_dt = DataFrameMapper([
(['distance_from_store'], None),
('gender', LabelBinarizer()),
(['credit_score'], None),
(['total_items'], None),
(['average_basket_value'], None)], df_out = True)
DataFrameMapper(df_out=True, drop_cols=[], features=[(['distance_from_store'], None), ('gender', LabelBinarizer()), (['credit_score'], None), (['total_sales'], None), (['total_items'], None), (['transaction_count'], None), (['product_area_count'], None), (['average_basket_value'], None)])
Z_train_dt = mapper_dt.transform (X_train)
Z_test_dt = mapper_dt.transform(X_test)
distance_from_store | gender | credit_score | total_sales | total_items | transaction_count | product_area_count | average_basket_value | |
330 | 0.4 | 1 | 0.46 | 573.11 | 135 | 25 | 4 | 22.924400 |
401 | 0.7 | 0 | 0.57 | 356.82 | 94 | 27 | 4 | 13.215556 |
distance_from_store | gender | credit_score | total_sales | total_items | transaction_count | product_area_count | average_basket_value | |
64 | 0.8 | 1 | 0.80 | 950.11 | 186 | 27 | 5 | 35.189259 |
366 | 3.7 | 0 | 0.67 | 1230.42 | 170 | 16 | 3 | 76.901250 |
dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state = 42, max_depth = 5)
dt.fit(Z_train_dt, y_train)
DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=5, random_state=42)
y_pred_class_dt = dt.predict(Z_test_dt)
y_pred_prob_dt = dt.predict_proba(Z_test_dt)[:, 1]
# create the confusion matrix
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred_class_dt)
# plot the confusion matrix
plt.matshow(conf_matrix, cmap = "coolwarm")
plt.title("Confusion Matrix")
plt.ylabel("Actual Class")
plt.xlabel("Predicted Class")
for (i, j), corr_value in np.ndenumerate(conf_matrix):
plt.text(j, i, corr_value, ha = "center", va = "center", fontsize = 20)
accuracy_dt = round(accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred_class_dt)*100, 2)
print(f"Accuracy score is {accuracy_dt}, meaning the model coorectly predicts {accuracy_dt}% of the test set observations")
# precision
precision_dt = round(precision_score(y_test, y_pred_class_dt)*100, 2)
print(f"Precision score is {precision_dt}, meaning for our predicted delivery club signups, the model was correct {precision_dt}% of the time")
# recall
recall_dt= round(recall_score(y_test, y_pred_class_dt)*100, 2)
print(f"Recall score is {recall_dt}, meaning of allactual delivery club signups, the model correctly predicts {recall_dt}% of the time")
# f1-score
f1_dt = round(f1_score(y_test, y_pred_class_dt), 2)
print(f"F1 score is {f1_dt}")
Accuracy score is 96.93, meaning the model coorectly predicts 96.93% of the test set observations Precision score is 93.48, meaning for our predicted delivery club signups, the model was correct 93.48% of the time Recall score is 95.56, meaning of allactual delivery club signups, the model correctly predicts 95.56% of the time F1 score is 0.95
The Decision Tree model appears to be more predictive than the Logistic Regression model.
tree = plot_tree(dt,
feature_names = X.columns,
filled = True,
rounded = True,
fontsize = 16)
#finding the best max depth to prevent overfitting
max_depth_list = list(range(1,20))
accuracy_scores = []
# loop through each possible depth, train and validate model, append test set f1-score
for depth in max_depth_list:
dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth = depth, random_state = 42)
y_pred_dt = dt.predict(Z_test_dt)
accuracy = f1_score(y_test,y_pred_dt)
# store max accuracy, and optimal depth
max_accuracy = max(accuracy_scores)
max_accuracy_idx = accuracy_scores.index(max_accuracy)
optimal_depth = max_depth_list[max_accuracy_idx]
df = pd.DataFrame({'max_depth_list': max_depth_list, 'accuracy_scores': accuracy_scores})
# plot accuracy by max depth
px.line(df, x = "max_depth_list", y = "accuracy_scores",
title = f"Accuracy (F1 score) by Max Depth \n Optimal Tree Depth: {optimal_depth} (F1 Score: {round(max_accuracy, 4)})")
Maximum F1-score on the test setc is found when applying a maximum depth value of 5 which takes our F1 score to 0.9451
The same preprocessing steps used for Decision Trees can be used for Random Forest (which is an ensemble of decision trees)
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.inspection import permutation_importance
mapper_rf = DataFrameMapper([
(['distance_from_store'], None),
('gender', LabelBinarizer()),
(['credit_score'], None),
(['total_items'], None),
(['average_basket_value'], None)], df_out = True)
DataFrameMapper(df_out=True, drop_cols=[], features=[(['distance_from_store'], None), ('gender', LabelBinarizer()), (['credit_score'], None), (['total_sales'], None), (['total_items'], None), (['transaction_count'], None), (['product_area_count'], None), (['average_basket_value'], None)])
Z_train_rf = mapper_dt.transform (X_train)
Z_test_rf= mapper_dt.transform(X_test)
distance_from_store | gender | credit_score | total_sales | total_items | transaction_count | product_area_count | average_basket_value | |
479 | 0.41 | 1 | 0.66 | 557.83 | 134 | 26 | 4 | 21.455000 |
356 | 1.06 | 1 | 0.83 | 888.69 | 146 | 27 | 3 | 32.914444 |
596 | 1.53 | 0 | 0.53 | 506.40 | 82 | 24 | 5 | 21.100000 |
distance_from_store | gender | credit_score | total_sales | total_items | transaction_count | product_area_count | average_basket_value | |
58 | 2.18 | 0 | 0.69 | 440.45 | 78 | 13 | 5 | 33.880769 |
809 | 1.51 | 1 | 0.55 | 3162.69 | 440 | 52 | 5 | 60.820962 |
410 | 0.86 | 0 | 0.75 | 536.86 | 120 | 32 | 4 | 16.776875 |
rf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state = 23, n_estimators = 500, max_features = 5)
rf.fit(Z_train_rf, y_train)
RandomForestClassifier(max_features=5, n_estimators=500, random_state=23)
y_pred_class_rf = rf.predict(Z_test_rf)
y_pred_prob_rf = rf.predict_proba(Z_test_rf)[:,1]
# create the confusion matrix
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred_class_rf)
# plot the confusion matrix
plt.matshow(conf_matrix, cmap = "coolwarm")
plt.title("Confusion Matrix")
plt.ylabel("Actual Class")
plt.xlabel("Predicted Class")
for (i, j), corr_value in np.ndenumerate(conf_matrix):
plt.text(j, i, corr_value, ha = "center", va = "center", fontsize = 20)
accuracy_rf = round(accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred_class_rf)*100, 2)
print(f"Accuracy score is {accuracy_rf}, meaning the model correctly predicts {accuracy_rf}% of the test set observations")
# precision
precision_rf = round(precision_score(y_test, y_pred_class_rf)*100, 2)
print(f"Precision score is {precision_rf}, meaning for our predicted delivery club signups, the model was correct {precision_rf}% of the time")
# recall
recall_rf = round(recall_score(y_test, y_pred_class_rf)*100, 2)
print(f"Recall score is {recall_rf}, meaning of allactual delivery club signups, the model correctly predicts {recall_rf}% of the time")
# f1-score
f1_rf = round(f1_score(y_test, y_pred_class_rf), 2)
print(f"F1 score is {f1_rf}")
Accuracy score is 95.71, meaning the model correctly predicts 95.71% of the test set observations Precision score is 93.18, meaning for our predicted delivery club signups, the model was correct 93.18% of the time Recall score is 91.11, meaning of allactual delivery club signups, the model correctly predicts 91.11% of the time F1 score is 0.92
array([0.44067598, 0.07682073, 0.02565538, 0.11114866, 0.04675597, 0.06290855, 0.15752548, 0.07850924])
feature_importance = rf.feature_importances_
feature_names = X.columns
feature_importance_summary = pd.DataFrame({'Feature Names': feature_names, 'Feature Importance': feature_importance})
feature_importance_summary.sort_values(by = "Feature Importance", inplace = True)
# plot feature importance
plt.barh(feature_importance_summary["Feature Names"],feature_importance_summary["Feature Importance"])
plt.title("Feature Importance of Random Forest")
plt.xlabel("Feature Importance")
Feature Names Feature Importance 2 credit_score 0.025655 4 total_items 0.046756 5 transaction_count 0.062909 1 gender 0.076821 7 average_basket_value 0.078509 3 total_sales 0.111149 6 product_area_count 0.157525 0 distance_from_store 0.440676
# calculate permutation importance
result = permutation_importance(rf, Z_test_rf, y_test, n_repeats = 10, random_state = 23)
permutation_importance = pd.DataFrame(result["importances_mean"])
feature_names = pd.DataFrame(X.columns)
permutation_importance_summary = pd.concat([feature_names,permutation_importance], axis = 1)
permutation_importance_summary.columns = ["input_variable","permutation_importance"]
permutation_importance_summary.sort_values(by = "permutation_importance", inplace = True)
# plot permutation importance
plt.title("Permutation Importance of Random Forest")
plt.xlabel("Permutation Importance")
Since KNN is a distance based algorithm, more appropriate to scale the input variables using MinMax scaler.
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
mapper = DataFrameMapper([
(['distance_from_store'], MinMaxScaler()),
('gender', LabelBinarizer()),
(['credit_score'], MinMaxScaler()),
(['total_items'], MinMaxScaler()),
(['average_basket_value'], MinMaxScaler())], df_out = True)
DataFrameMapper(df_out=True, drop_cols=[], features=[(['distance_from_store'], MinMaxScaler()), ('gender', LabelBinarizer()), (['credit_score'], MinMaxScaler()), (['total_sales'], MinMaxScaler()), (['total_items'], MinMaxScaler()), (['transaction_count'], MinMaxScaler()), (['product_area_count'], MinMaxScaler()), (['average_basket_value'], MinMaxScaler())])
Z_train_knn = mapper.transform(X_train)
Z_test_knn = mapper.transform(X_test)
distance_from_store | gender | credit_score | total_sales | total_items | transaction_count | product_area_count | average_basket_value | |
528 | 0.000615 | 1 | 0.590164 | 0.117437 | 0.119537 | 0.338235 | 1.00 | 0.310045 |
627 | 0.019053 | 1 | 0.409836 | 0.016127 | 0.033419 | 0.088235 | 0.75 | 0.136828 |
27 | 0.033629 | 0 | 0.737705 | 0.289477 | 0.277635 | 0.323529 | 1.00 | 0.831456 |
#using RFECV
rfc = RandomForestClassifier(random_state = 23)
feature_selector1 = RFECV(rfc)
fit = feature_selector1.fit(Z_train_knn, y_train)
optimal_feature_count = feature_selector1.n_features_
print(f"Optimal no of features: {optimal_feature_count}")
Optimal no of features: 4
support_results = feature_selector1.get_support()
input = Z_train_knn.columns
optimal_feature_summary = pd.DataFrame({
'input': input,
'support_results': support_results
input | support_results | |
0 | distance_from_store | True |
1 | gender | False |
2 | credit_score | False |
3 | total_sales | True |
4 | total_items | False |
5 | transaction_count | False |
6 | product_area_count | True |
7 | average_basket_value | True |
#limit train and test set to include only selected variables
Z_train_knn = Z_train_knn.loc[:, feature_selector1.get_support()]
Z_test_knn = Z_test_knn.loc[:, feature_selector1.get_support()]
plt.plot(range(1, len(fit.cv_results_['mean_test_score']) + 1), fit.cv_results_['mean_test_score'], marker = "o")
plt.ylabel("Classification Accuracy")
plt.xlabel("Number of Features")
plt.title(f"Feature Selection using RFECV \n Optimal number of features is {optimal_feature_count} (at score of {round(max(fit.cv_results_['mean_test_score']),4)})")
knn = KNeighborsClassifier()
knn.fit(Z_train_knn, y_train)
# predict on the test set
y_pred_class_knn = knn.predict(Z_test_knn)
y_pred_prob_knn = knn.predict_proba(Z_test_knn)[:,1]
# create the confusion matrix
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred_class_knn)
# plot the confusion matrix
plt.matshow(conf_matrix, cmap = "coolwarm")
plt.title("Confusion Matrix")
plt.ylabel("Actual Class")
plt.xlabel("Predicted Class")
for (i, j), corr_value in np.ndenumerate(conf_matrix):
plt.text(j, i, corr_value, ha = "center", va = "center", fontsize = 20)
accuracy_knn = round(accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred_class_knn)*100, 2)
print(f"Accuracy score is {accuracy_knn}, meaning the model coorectly predicts {accuracy_knn} % of the test set observations")
# precision
precision_knn = round(precision_score(y_test, y_pred_class_knn)*100, 2)
print(f"Precision score is {precision_knn}, meaning for our predicted delivery club signups, the model was correct {precision_knn}% of the time")
# recall
recall_knn = round(recall_score(y_test, y_pred_class_knn)*100, 2)
print(f"Recall score is {recall_rf}, meaning of allactual delivery club signups, the model correctly predicts {recall_knn}% of the time")
# f1-score
f1_knn = round(f1_score(y_test, y_pred_class_knn), 2)
print(f"F1 score is {f1_knn}")
Accuracy score is 81.6, meaning the model coorectly predicts 81.6 % of the test set observations Precision score is 69.23, meaning for our predicted delivery club signups, the model was correct 69.23% of the time Recall score is 91.11, meaning of allactual delivery club signups, the model correctly predicts 60.0% of the time F1 score is 0.64
# set up range for search, and empty list to append accuracy scores to
k_list = list(range(2,25))
accuracy_scores = []
# loop through each possible value of k, train and validate model, append test set f1-score
for k in k_list:
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = k)
y_pred = knn.predict(Z_test_knn)
accuracy = f1_score(y_test,y_pred)
# store max accuracy, and optimal k value
max_accuracy = max(accuracy_scores)
max_accuracy_idx = accuracy_scores.index(max_accuracy)
optimal_k_value = k_list[max_accuracy_idx]
# plot accuracy by max depth
plt.scatter(optimal_k_value, max_accuracy, marker = "x", color = "red")
plt.title(f"Accuracy (F1 Score) by k \n Optimal Value for k: {optimal_k_value} (Accuracy: {round(max_accuracy,4)})")
plt.ylabel("Accuracy (F1 Score)")
models =["Logistic Regression", "Decision Tree", "Random Forest", "K Nearest Neighbors"]
accuracy_list = [accuracy_lr, accuracy_dt, accuracy_rf, accuracy_knn]
precision_list = [precision_lr, precision_dt, precision_rf, precision_knn]
recall_list=[recall_lr, recall_dt, recall_rf, recall_knn]
f1_list = [f1_lr, f1_dt, f1_rf, f1_knn]
model_summary = pd.DataFrame({
'Models': models,
'Accuracy': accuracy_list,
'Precision': precision_list,
'Recall': recall_list,
'F1-score': f1_list,
Models | Accuracy | Precision | Recall | F1-score | |
0 | Logistic Regression | 89.57 | 85.00 | 75.56 | 0.80 |
1 | Decision Tree | 96.93 | 93.48 | 95.56 | 0.95 |
2 | Random Forest | 95.71 | 93.18 | 91.11 | 0.92 |
3 | K Nearest Neighbors | 81.60 | 69.23 | 60.00 | 0.64 |
#save dataframe to a .png file
import dataframe_image as dfi
dfi.export(model_summary, 'model_summary.png')